Your financial plan is rooted in your personal narrative. That is, the context of each of your wealth needs, the circumstances that flow from them, and the uncertainty that causes you stress. The better you understand the structures and strategies at work, the more confident you can be that they will continuously support you and your family.
We present all of our recommendations for your investments and your wealth, as well as a priority-focused timeline of actions and tasks. This ensures our mutual understanding of the steps that will help get you to your goals, and it marks the beginning of our ongoing task of keeping you on course, and communicating through regular meetings.
During this stage, we may also:
- Consult other professionals to verify our recommendations if needed
- Work with your existing tax and legal advisors to coordinate our strategies
- Present different scenarios to help select the right insurance option
- Explain all risk management structures and ensure they suit your risk tolerance
- Walk you through our communication mandate so that you know what to expect while your plan is active